
The following is a guest post by my good friend Nick; you can read more about the author here.   Something quite profound happened to me last week while my wife Suzie and I were taking a post-work stroll. The sun paused in its descent just long e[...]

Movement in the Classroom

Incorporating movement and physical activity into the classroom is a great way to keep students engaged and focused, and helps to stave off boredom. In primary school, students are often moving regularly, yet when they get to secondary school we seem to expect them[...]

Poetry To Teach: Carol Ann Duffy

Yesterday I purchased a new poetry book, and I couldn’t be more excited. Buying books is a real treat for me, and when I stumble across a poetry book by my favourite contemporary poet – it’s like Christmas has come early.read more[...]

3 Free Classroom Posters

I love quotes. I suppose that's because I love language and believe in the power of words. I also love graphics and typography. So it seemed natural that I combine the two and create a few FREE posters for my classroom, to inspire my students and brighten up the p[...]

How do I get my students to read?

I love receiving emails from my readers and buyers: I enjoy connecting with like-minded people; I appreciate engaging in conversations about education; I value sharing in your experiences. Recently I had a reader email me to ask about how to get students reading t[...]

Branching Out: Creating Graphics

One of the most common questions I get through emails and on my blog is: "How do you create your product covers/backgrounds/images etc.?" I am always surprised when I get this question because I have never thought of myself as a particularly artistic person. Ho[...]