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February 2015

Do you contact Parents WITH POSITIVE feedback?

It was a hot, stuffy Thursday afternoon. I could hear my boisterous (read ‘challenging’) freshman class making their way down the hall as I desperately tried to gather the enthusiasm needed to teach the opening scenes of Romeo and Juliet. The previous evening had been a parent-teacher conference, so this particular Thursday came with its own special kind of exhaustion and despondency. Playing on loop in the back of my mind were all the discussions with difficult parents who wanted to know what I was going to do to get their child’s grade up; the chats with[...]


The following is a guest post by my good friend Nick; you can read more about the author here.   Something quite profound happened to me last week while my wife Suzie and I were taking a post-work stroll. The sun paused in its descent just long enough to bathe the last, blissful hours of the day in the glorious golden light you can see in the photo above. We meandered down a dirt track, passing beautifully painted huts, a few herds of sheep, numerous cows, some goats (don’t look too closely at goats, they are frightening beasts), some ducks, d[...]